Davidoff has crafted and blended the Winston Churchill Cigars collection under license since 2007, but in 2014 with sales declining and the collection being delisted from retail outlets, it set out to turn around the collection’s fortunes.
The plan was to address the collection’s tired and dated look, re-build desire for Winston Churchill Cigars in a fresh and contemporary way and build growth in a static global market.
Initial strategy work helped better understand the untapped value of the Winston Churchill story and the potential benefits of closer alignment with the Davidoff brand. This led to a new positioning, visual identity and packaging design inspired by the complexity and depth of Winston Churchill, with the Davidoff identity sensitively incorporated.
It’s been a great success with distribution targets exceeded and net sales rising 98% between 2017 and 2018. The goal of growing Instagram followers by 20% was smashed by nearly 400% with numbers soaring from 1,300 to 53,200. Demand for the collection has outstripped supply and return on investment was achieved in just nine months.