Entries are judged anonymously – this isn’t an award scheme weighted in favour of anything other than the evidence for effectiveness.
Entries are judged on their own merits rather than pitted against others. So you aren’t competing against other entrants. And there are no categories. You enter your work, and it’s judged on its own unique context, design solution, and results.
Entries are judged by leading figures from design commissioning businesses – from global companies, through to start-up challenger brands, they understand how design can be used to create results.
Entries are assessed through a rigorous three-stage process. You can rest assured your entry is fully and properly considered before a judgement is made.
Entries are handled with respect, and confidentiality is treated very seriously. Our systems, processes and methods of sharing information are set up to ensure data is protected, and NDAs and conflicts of interest checks are an important part of this. You also have the opportunity to redact confidential data at the point your winning entry is published.
Award levels
Bronze awards go to entries that conclusively prove design’s contribution to the commercial or societal success of the work and have evidenced strong results.
Silver awards are reserved for excellent examples of design effectiveness. Entries will have provided impressive evidence to prove the work exceeded expectations and led to significant results.
Gold awards go to outstanding projects that have provided unquestionable and considerable evidence of exceptional results that have created powerful business or societal impact.
Grand Prix
The Grand Prix is chosen from amongst the Gold winners and rewards the entry that the judges feel demonstrates the most significant and impressive evidence of design effectiveness.