Using toilet roll is perhaps the most fundamental of all daily routines, and consumers have resisted change in their buying habits for generations. Kimberly-Clark first introduced Andrex Fresh moist toilet tissue in 1992, and had yet to make a significant impression on the UK market.
Elmwood set out to change the public’s mindset on moist toilet roll and personal hygiene, emphasising the cleaner feel of the renamed Andrex Washlets over dry toilet tissue. The consultancy also refreshed the brand’s packaging, with a new look that takes pride of place in bathrooms.
97% of customers now agree that using Andrex Washlets regularly helps them feel cleaner. Kimberly-Clark has seen a 51% increase in their UK sales for Q1 in 2012 and +27% across Europe, with 712,000 new Andrex customers in the first ten weeks of the year. The brand remains the UK’s number one in the non-food category.