Winners 2024/ Silver

Project: NatWest Carbon Planner

Client: NatWest

Design: NatWest

4,440 businesses used NatWest’s ‘Carbon Planner’ in its first year, with the digital tool helping them to easily understand their carbon footprint and take tangible steps to reduce it. 

Banks have a big role to play in accelerating the decarbonisation of economies and NatWest has set a target to halve its financed (customer) emissions by 2030. Research had showed many businesses want to take positive steps on climate, but lack the time, knowledge and funding to take action. The ‘Carbon Planner’ was created to support businesses to overcome these barriers and act. 

Launched in 2022, NatWest’s free and easy-to-use digital tool offers businesses a clear starting point for reducing their carbon footprint, empowering them to set their own course. Co-created with 1,000 customers and integrated across the online banking journey, the digital design solution enables businesses to quickly and frictionlessly get a view of their impact, make a plan and take action, providing links to expertise and funding options when needed, and allowing them to choose actions that best fit their budgets. 

The number of businesses using Carbon Planner in its first year was well above target. The engagement levels validated the tool’s value and it’s now being expanded. Businesses who had no carbon footprint or climate plan before are now actively understanding their impact and making a change, with 15,360 carbon cutting actions undertaken. This has generated considerable CO2 emission savings, demonstrating the scale of impact the tool can have as its reach grows.