In the face of innovative competition, Oettinger Davidoff Group needed to shake the image of Davidoff Cigars as expensive and old-fashioned. The idea was to create a new range – Davidoff Nicaragua – with a completely different taste profile that would refresh brand identity and reverse the loss of market share.
Objectives were to meet sales and volume targets and grow the Davidoff brand by 20%. The solution encapsulates modernity and was designed around taking customers on a journey through the exploration, adventure and discovery of the range. This manifests itself in black and ‘gilver’- coloured packaging complete with triangle motif representing the mountainous nature of Nicaragua, with copper colours reflecting the warmth of the volcanic region. Clear brand guidelines ensured consistent communications across packaging, advertising, marketing brochures, events etc.
Sales value and sales volume are up 190% and 187% against forecast respectively. Incremental sales are at 70%-20% above target and there has been an impressive 27% growth to the Davidoff brand as a whole.