Winners 2015/Packaging. Own Brand Bronze

Project: Tesco finest*

Client: Tesco

Design: Honey

Despite steady levels of interest in the TESCO finest* range since its launch in 1998, the supermarket found that consumers today needed clearer justification for paying a premium. finest* needed a story to be inviting and authentic, not just to be seen as the best range available in store. This was to be achieved while ensuring customers could quickly identify different product lines.

The design focused on creating personal connections, and on pushing careful ingredient sourcing, recipe creation and high quality to the fore. This manifested itself in a lower case ‘f’ for ‘finest*’ and hand-drawn lettering. The design changed dramatically to include powerful nods to artisan excellence, supplier personalities and the quality of individual ingredients.

The result was 8.7% growth compared to overall premium market growth of 8.4% for the same 12-week period (1% growth for finest* equates to £12 million per year), whilst research shows customer perceptions of the new range are significantly higher than before.