World Vision UK is the largest international charity working to bring real hope to children living in difficult environments. An innovative new approach to charity fundraising enabled it to sponsor almost 3,000 children across the globe; that’s 65% above target.
World Vision UK was unable to fundraise in premium shopping centres due to landlords’ negative perceptions of face-to-face fundraising and the adverse effect it has on customer shopping trips. Still, it wanted to break into this market, so it created a totally different fundraising experience.
With a kiosk that has been designed to look like a specialist vintage store, customers can explore at their own leisure by opening the interactive drawers and cupboards to read the story of World Vision UK.
This new initiative helped the charity to raise £25,000-worth of donations, which is 316% above target. World Vision UK’s retail channel has grown by 29% in one year, from 4% of acquisitions to 33%.