The beautiful story of Ragú’s humble beginnings had never been shared with its consumers. So when Symington’s acquired the brand in 2011, they immediately set about emphasising the Italian-American heritage of the sauce, in an attempt to recapture a waning market.
Path undertook this sizeable rebranding project, delivering assets across the board. With a more traditional and user-friendly jar, a simplified design style, and a stirring tale of heritage brought to the fore, Ragú reappeared in the market ready to achieve its vast ambitions.
Without any direct advertising, the new image produced an extraordinary growth, moving it closer to the premium category. Having snatched a share of the market leader’s sales growth, Ragú achieved a 19% increase in its first year, supported by a 17.1% increase in brand penetration. In total, this has amounted to a £4m increase on the brand value, returning a staggering 8,000% on the original investment.